Mar 28, 2021 | Covid- 19, Crowd Management, Crowd Safety, Event Management
MOM CEO, Professor Chris Kemp has written an article for the March issue of the Crisis Response Journal discussing how to manage COVID in an entertainment venue. Professor Chris Kemp writes ‘creating a strategy for dealing with a pandemic and its effect on...
Feb 11, 2021 | Covid- 19, Crowd Safety, Event Security
Follow the European #SAFE project on the Live Industry and Event Security at the ILMC web conference on Friday 05th March at 3pm (UTC). SAFE is a European project, led by 8 European partners specialized in the live and event security industry. Its objective is to...
Jan 14, 2021 | Covid- 19, Mental Health
At the beginning of last week disaster struck. My daughter who has been living with us for nearly a year, and thus all through lockdown, succumbed to the dreaded virus and became very ill very quickly. This left my wife and I in charge of a 5- and 7-year-old. A task...
Oct 29, 2020 | Covid- 19, Event Management
Covid-19 has been catastrophic for live music, theatre and the arts in general. Gigs and performances cancelled since March, thousands of jobs gone, companies lost and artists struggling. Strangely, the arts were an afterthought when the government announced its aid...
Oct 27, 2020 | Covid- 19, Venue Management
At the beginning of the month, the Roundhouse, Mind over Matter and Showsec teams conducted forty tests with the help of almost thirty volunteers in advance of the Roundhouse, London opening in the future. The tests were carried out with observation and support from...